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发布日期:2015-07-14 浏览次数: 2245

以教育旅游为目的且位于美国德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿岛的穆迪花园(Moody Gardens),于5月23日展示其最新的娱乐项目——《海绵宝宝的冒险之旅》(SpongeBob SubPants Adventure);而其休闲运营商已联合尼克频道(Nickelodeon)、超级78娱乐公司(Super 78)和新埃克斯-艾沃克斯娱乐公司(SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment)在穆迪花园的《发现金字塔》(Discovery Pyramid)里正式开放这一创新精神的景点。



《海绵宝宝的冒险之旅》利用了现代计算机技术和经典艺术手法,聚集了一批负责过许多世界领先的主题公园景点设计师、工程师、制造商和动画师共同创造完成。在这里,游客将体验到一种全新的海底冒险,因为他们将柱塞(Le Plunger)带入超真实的真人大小比基尼岛(Bikini Bottom)底部的海底世界,从那里可以通过一个30英尺(约9.14米)宽的观察窗进行海底观察;通过3D技术,派大星(Patrick Star)和他的朋友们能与游客进行实时互动,并且能在游客进行水下冒险的时候为他们提供帮助;为了加深游客的真实感受,4个大型的观景舷窗把所有的海底生物都带到了人们的生活中。







New attraction for Moody Gardens


Moody Gardens, the educational tourist destination in Galveston, Texas, will showcase another first in entertainment with the opening of its latest attraction, SpongeBob SubPants Adventure, later this month.

The leisure operator has partnered with Nickelodeon,Super 78 and SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment to create this innovative attraction, which opens in the Discovery Pyramid on May 23.


Harnessing the power of modern computer technology and classic artistic techniques, a group of designers, engineers, fabricators and animators who are responsible for many of the world's leading theme park attractions have come together to create the SpongeBob SubPants Adventure.



Guests will experience a whole new kind of submarine adventure as they take the “Le Plunger”into the hyper-real, life-sized world of Bikini Bottom, which is viewed through a 30ft wide observation window.


Patrick Star and the rest of his animated underwater pals are seen on screen through 3D technology, as guests are able to have real-time conversations with him and help choose their path through the underwater adventure.


To further immerse guests, four large viewing portholes bring the experience of the entire submarine to life.

To make this all possible, Super 78, an attraction design and production company, has provided their newest custom software and hardware for the SpongeBob SubPants Adventure.



SimEx-Iwerks Entertainment created custom seats, designed and installed all theatre systems and programmed special effects in new ways to enhance the adventure.(5.14,2015)


