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加拿大将拥有蒸汽朋克主题的游乐园Mega Park

发布日期:2017-08-16 浏览次数: 2050
Mega ParkLes Galleries de la Capital室内游乐园

近日,加拿大魁北克市的莱斯劳佛耶德拉资本(Les Galleries de la Capital)大型购物中心将投资5,200万美元(约3.48亿人民币)重建其室内游乐园——“美格乐园”(Mega Park)。在长达30年的时间中,该室内游乐园一直被本地大多数的家庭所熟知与喜爱,而藉由本次的巨资重建计划,该乐园将推出全新的蒸汽朋克主题游乐设施。

据悉,乐园中的重建区域受到知名科幻小说家儒勒•凡尔纳(Jules Verne)关于工业革命的作品启发,将建造约20个如蒸汽动力机器、破旧生锈的工厂外墙和钢铁等主题元素的游乐设施和景点,布满在这个复古与未来融为一体的工业环境中。其中,美格乐园的大部分现有游乐设施将被更换,而那些被保留下来的游乐设施,包括过山车和旋转木马等,都将得到全面的整修。美格乐园经理简•佩尔蒂埃(Jean Pelletier)表示:“在参观完世界各地的游乐园之后,我们决定为乐园加入一些非凡的景点!除了在北美第一高的摩天轮、一个比之前高2倍的自由落体过山车外,美格公园还将提供加拿大最长的室内滑冰道、配有LED灯光声效的椭圆形的溜冰场等,将与新乐园概念完美结合。”



加拿大将拥有蒸汽朋克主题的游乐园Mega Park

加拿大将拥有蒸汽朋克主题的游乐园Mega Park


Mega Park relaunch at Canadian shopping mall

Quebec City’s Les Galleries de la Capital is to construct a new-look Mega Park at a cost of $52 million. In doing so, the shopping mall will introduce a Steampunk theme to an indoor amusement park known and loved by families for more than 30 years.

The fully revamped entertainment zone inspired by Jules Verne’s interpretation of the Industrial Revolution will feature around 20 rides and attractions. Most of Mega Park's existing rides will be replaced. Those that are kept, including the rollercoaster and merry-go-round, will get a facelift. Steam-powered machines, factory facades and steel will be omnipresent in this retro-futuristic industrial environment.

Out-of-the-ordinary attractions

“After taking trips to check out amusement parks around the world, we found some attractions for the new Mega Park that are anything but ordinary!” claims Mega Park manager Jean Pelletier. “In addition to boasting the first spokeless Ferris wheel in North America and a freefall ride twice as high as before, Mega Park will proudly offer the longest indoor skating trail in Canada. The ice skating oval, complete with LED lights and effects, will fit perfectly with the new Mega Park concept and will maximize space.”

Also promised are an interactive floor, light and sound effects and a giant screen. In the middle of the park, there will be a stage for shows and an interactive fountain. There will be three new birthday party rooms. In addition, the recreational space can be rented out for corporate events.

As well as its many shops, Les Galleries de la Capital also offers multiple restaurants and the area’s only IMAX cinema. Oxford Properties Group, which owns the mall together with the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, says the theme park will be fully energy efficient.

Construction at Mega Park is slated to begin on September 5 and last around 18 months. During that time, shoppers will have access to a line-up of temporary entertainment options.


