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发布日期:2017-02-17 浏览次数: 1826

日前,英国知名电玩娱乐公司JNC宣布推出一款全新的乘骑类新品——疯狂赛车(Krazy Karz)。据了解,除了炫目的LED灯光,效果丰富的声音特效,设备还新增两人联机对战模式,并别出心裁地以座位红蓝两色来区分男女生版本,使得机台玩乐更增几分乐趣。


JNC销售主管Reece Newman表示,“设备刚推出不久便获得市场的热烈反响,尤其是其色彩丰富的外观设计,可玩性极高的游戏模式,充满创意的男女生版本设计,更是吸引了众多年轻群体的追捧。而逼真的方向盘设计及声音效果,也驱使着孩子们游玩其中,尽情享受驰骋在赛道之上的畅快之旅。”

A New Kiddie Ride Called Krazy Karz

JNC Sales has launched a new kiddie ride called Krazy Karz. The ride features different coloured seats for boys and girls, LED lights and a linkable two player game option plus a variety of sound effects.

Sales executive, Reece Newman, said: “Great gameplay, a stunning LED lit cabinet, and the option of a one or linkable two player game are just a few of the reasons the Krazy Karz kiddie ride has already proved such a hit this year. Like the Go Go Pony and Dolphin Stars, Krazy Karz appeals to young children through its attractive driving motion and colourful car-themed cabinet, with different coloured seats to suit both boys and girls. The receptive steering wheel and animated sound effects which excite children as they drive around the track, racing against other drivers and hitting various checkpoints.”

