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发布日期:2016-12-06 浏览次数: 1723

《桌上足球》Jumbo LED Foosball Table)是一款极具趣味性的机台游戏。游戏可以容纳8-16名玩家一起进行,同一时间内在这张乐趣十足的游戏桌上进行足球竞争。机身外观十分夺目,机表配备了多色LED灯,色彩绚丽,颜色变换,使机台看上去十分酷炫,最特别的是,其配有顶灯,可以换为自己喜欢的颜色。《桌上足球》的玩法简单易上手,通过转动、推拉手中的金属杆,使金属杆上的足球运动员动起来,以完成足球竞赛。《桌上足球》以其十足的趣味性和互动性,深受各年龄层玩家的喜爱。赶快和你的一群好友一起,用你们的双手,来一场别具一格的足球竞赛!




Jumbo LED Foosball Table

We are proud to introduce Jumbo LED Foosball Table. This is the 8-16 player foosball table; a foosball on “steroids”. 8 to 16 people can compete at the same time on this oversized foosball table. Jumbo LED Foosball Table is a custom build commercial foosball table great for team building and other competitive events. The table is setup with multi color LED lighting and the color can be changed easily during the event. The Jumbo LED Foosball Table is equipped with an overhead light that can also change to your favorite color. Our favorite feature of this Jumbo LED Foosball Table is the laser lights that can strobe around the field of the table or flip a switch and have the lasers lights dance to your favorite song.



Jumbo LED Foosball Table is popular with all ages but it has been immensely popular with tech companies and high-energy events. Our amazing Jumbo LED Foosball Table rents well with any adult or child glow party or special event. The Jumbo LED Foosball Table is a beautiful and bright table and will be a focal point at your next event.


