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发布日期:2016-05-07 浏览次数: 2180

《滑雪赛车》(Alpine Racer)是一款刺激的视频游戏,让玩家体验一把在高山滑雪的刺激之旅。玩家需模仿显示屏上的滑雪动作,操控滑雪车并做出相应动作,游戏过程十分好玩。设备特别之处在于其闪耀的LED灯光非常吸引眼球,并有多支点的模拟滑雪运动平台,还会不时地制造“起风”效果,让玩家有身临其境的感觉,十分受人欢迎。



Alpine Racer Video Arcade Skiing Game

This remake of the arcade classic comes with brand
new characters and completely redesigned courses. 
In collaboration with Raw Thrills, Super Alpine Racer
has a vertically mounted 55" HD monitor. There are
many multi-colored LED lights infused into the cabinet
moldings make for a beautiful and eye-catching game !

Super Alpine Racer's "Multi-Pivot" skiing movement platform simulates the movements of a downhill skier. 
Players feel the wind through their hair from the built-in
air blowers, and must shoot through the gates to gain additional boosts to their speed, in order to blow past
opponents, while performing insane ski tricks in the air !


