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发布日期:2017-07-18 浏览次数: 2173
Cedar PointPoint PlummetPortside Plunge水上乐园

自1870年起,位于美国俄亥俄州桑达斯基(Sandusky, Ohio)的杉点乐园(Cedar Point)就开始作为一个游泳海滩与浴场而闻名美国。时至今日,杉点乐园已成为一个拥有70条滑道、17项过山车、一英里(约1.6公里)长的海滩、五个大型酒店、美丽的码头等景点的家庭夏季度假胜地。现在,它又增设了新的杉点海岸水上公园(Cedar Point Shores Waterpark)。



杉点海岸水上公园拥有17个全新的水上景点,是夏日家庭旅游度假的好去处。其中,“奇点急坠”(Point Plummet)是一个全新的六层高水上滑道,极限体验爱好者将会在这里得到接近自由落体的刺激体验,而游客们首先需要爬上塔顶并爬入单独封闭的“胶囊”式入口,经过 “3-2-1”的倒计时后,最终地板将从脚下瞬间打开,同时游客将垂直下落到滑道中。


在“奇点急坠”滑道的同一座楼内,“左舷猛跃”(Portside Plunge)滑道则提供了另一种类型的惊险体验,而其高度约五层楼高,游客可以选择单独体验滑道,也可以进入内侧隧道与朋友一起体验下滑的刺激,并且在滑道末段高速飞出滑道外,体验刺眼的阳光与“飞人时间”,最终落入水池中。




New Cedar Point Shores waterpark opens


Cedar Point began as a simple bathing beach and bathhouse in 1870 Sandusky, Ohio. Today, Cedar Point is a summertime destination for families with 70 rides, including 17 roller coasters, a mile-long beach, five hotel properties, beautiful marinas and now, the new Cedar Point Shores Waterpark.


Cedar Point Shores is home to 17 brand new water attractions geared for everyone in the family. Thrill-seekers will experience near free-fall on the new Point Plummet, a six-story aqua-drop body slide from WhiteWater. Riders first climb into individual capsules at the top of the tower when after an ominous countdown of, “3-2-1,” the floor will drop from underneath riders’ feet.


On the same tower as Point Plummet, Portside Plunge provides thrills of a different kind, five stories above the ground. Riders can experience the slide alone or with a friend on an inner tube as they’re sent through an enclosed tunnel, then shot out into the sun over unique airtime hills.,and into a pool at the end of the ride.


