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发布日期:2016-05-31 浏览次数:6558

所在城市:德国 萨克森州           详细地点:德国下萨克森州汉诺威


位于德国下萨克森州汉诺威附近的海德乐园(Heide Park)占地85万平方米,拥有超过50项景点及游乐设施,是德国最大、最受欢迎的主题乐园之一。这些种类繁多的项目,无论是极速的还是安静的,刺激的还是舒适的,皆令人叹为观止。例如,园内有德国唯一的翼式过山车及欧洲最高最快的木质过山车。




Heide Park

The Heide Park resort offers endless opportunities an eventful day with the whole family to spend, in the midst of an 850,000 square meter park in general heath. Free thrill willingness, desire and age of a largest amusement park choose every visitor and trip adventure, even his individual experience from over 50 attractions and shows. The over 40 rides offer extraordinary adventures and challenges of quiet and comfortable to fast-paced and exciting. For example, with Europe’s fastest and highest holzachterbahn colossus and Germany’s only wing coaster flight of the demons.

