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发布日期:2017-08-18 浏览次数: 2925
威廉斯堡欧洲风情过山车Busch Gardens



美国威廉斯堡布什公园(Busch Gardens Williamsburg)是一座拥有欧洲风情的主题乐园,重现了17世纪的迷人村庄。在乐园里,你可以观赏尼斯湖水怪(Loch Ness Monster)和大灰狼(Big Bad ),也可以在乐园里的众多过山车上彻底释放你的双手去尖叫。这里有着几十个惊险的游乐设施和景点、10个主要的舞台演出,以及各种各样地道的食物和商店,还有专属孩子们的儿童区。自1990年起,威廉斯堡布什公园一直被选为“世界上最美的主题公园”,而它如此受欢迎的原因不仅仅是因为欧洲风格的风情小镇,还有与欧洲不同的美食、地标、花园、餐厅和众多的娱乐项目,以及世界级的过山车、精彩的表演、游客与动物之间的互动,为整个家庭提供了无穷的乐趣。




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充满神话和想象力的阿波罗战车(Chariot)过山车,它一直被列为世界十大钢制过山车之一,就像奥林匹克的太阳神一样,有着令人胆寒的高度和令人眼花缭乱路线。同时也可加入最勇敢的骑士战士(Knight Warriors),挑战205英尺(约62米)的高度,以及90度、75英里(120公里/每小时)的自由落体,而这就像从悬崖跳下,整个过程无比揪心,同时观众也将获得刺激的乐趣。

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翡翠击乐(Emerald Beat):欣赏融合了现代与传统的爱尔兰舞蹈表演,配合原声带与现场音乐表演!20位演员来自爱尔兰都柏林,包含有14位舞者、2位歌唱家和4位音乐家。广受欢迎的翡翠岛大汇演上满满的舞蹈元素会给观众带来惊喜。


宠物恶作剧(More Pet Shenanigans):这是生动又滑稽的表演,狗、猫、鸟和其他动物会有各种令你始料未及而捧腹大笑的恶作剧,每天这样的动物表演都会在恶作剧剧院(Shenanigans Theatre)上演,这些动物明星一定会让游客们充满惊喜。

杂技表演:布什花园皇宫剧院(Busch Gardens' Royal Palace)里有着一场场精彩的杂技表演,搭配戏剧性的灯光和摇滚乐,营造一场无与伦比的视听盛宴,而杂技表演上聚集了世界各地风格独特的歌手、舞者、空中飞人和特技表演者。


Busch Gardens Williamsburg

Williamsburg bouch park is a European theme park that recreates the charming villages of the 17th century. In the park, you can watch Loch Ness Monster and Big Bad, and you can get your hands screaming on the many roller coasters. Here has dozens of thrilling rides and attractions, 10 major stage, all kinds of authentic food and store, and exclusive from the children's children area, since 1990, the Williamsburg bush park has been selected as the most beautiful in the world "theme parks". The reason for his popularity is not just the european-style town, but also the different cuisines, landmarks, gardens, restaurants and many other entertainment projects in Europe. World-class roller coasters, wonderful performances, and the interaction between tourists and animals, bush park provides a great deal of fun for the whole family. Williamsburg bouch garden is one of the world's best home travel destinations.

Classic Italian traditional venture project, not a single person not surprised as bold as Tempesto roller coasters, it is 63 miles per hour (100 km/hour) incredible turn, the speed at which a process is an exciting and nervous.

The German villagers have long described a legendary beast, known as the Alpengeist, the ghost of the Alps. It's a ghost story you've never heard or seen before, and it's absolutely frightening to you. Come and take the Alpengeist ride, one of the world's highest, fastest, and craziest roller coasters. After rising to 195 feet, it will flip at 67 miles per hour (about 108 kilometers per hour).

Full of myths and imagination of Apollo Chariot roller coaster, it has been listed as one of the world's top ten steel roller coaster, just like the Olympic sun god, Apollo's Chariot is the height of the chilling and dazzling routes.

Join the bravest knight warriors, challenge the free fall of 205 feet, 90 degrees, 75 miles (120 km/h). It's like jumping off a cliff, the whole process is extremely gut-wrenching, and the audience will have fun.

Emerald Beat:

Enjoy the modern and traditional Irish dance performance, with the soundtrack and live music performance! The cast is from Dublin, Ireland, with a total of 20:14 dancers, two singers and four musicians. The popular jade island dance element of the grand confluence will surprise the audience.

More Pet Shenanigans:

This is lively and funny show, dogs, cats, birds and other animals have all kinds of make you surprise and practical joke, laugh every such animal performance at prank theater (Shenanigans Theatre), these animals star will make you full of surprises.

Kinetix act:

The Busch Gardens' Royal Palace has a spectacular display of acrobatics with dramatic lighting and rock and roll, an unparalleled audio-visual feast. Kinetix has assembled a unique collection of singers, dancers, airborne and acrobatic performers from all over the world.


