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发布日期:2016-11-25 浏览次数: 2011

《激情高山滑雪》Super Alpine Racer)是一款经典的街机游戏,模仿滑雪的真实感受,带来酷炫的滑雪体验,化身成为雪山中激情四射的滑雪运动员。《激情高山滑雪》配备了55英寸的大屏显示器和高清的动画效果,以及贴近真实滑雪体验的踏板和扶手用于模拟滑雪板和雪仗。当游戏开始,玩家双脚平稳站在踏板上,双手紧握扶手,视频里的动画会与玩家的动作轨迹同步运动。在游戏中,一系列的下坡、转弯、跳跃等惊险动作会一一实现,还有腾空时的技巧动作让玩家感受新奇体验。伴随着动感的背影音乐和音效,玩家一定能完成一次美好的滑雪旅程。此外,还可以和朋友一起比赛,获得双倍乐趣。



Super Alpine Racer

Bandai Namco and Raw Thrills have teamed up again to bring back a classic arcade favourite, Super Alpine Racer. This ski racing game has players hitting the slopes with completely new courses and brand new characters all on an amazing, vertically mounted 55” HD screen. Compete against other players using the unique ski-like platform to pass through the gates and receive an additional boost while performing incredible tricks in the air. Feel the wind through your hair as the built in air blowers add an additional element of realism to this downhill skiing game.

